Confidence: The Key To Coming Back From The Last Two Years

The last two years have been no laughing matter for women of color across the world. The coronavirus pandemic decimated the job market and has caused a huge rift in the way we live. But, we are starting to see sparkling glimmers of hope, and, for many of us, it’s time to go back into the world. It’s a big step, but the following tips can help you boost your self-confidence so that you’re ready for whatever may come.

Creating Boundaries with Parents

There has been a progression made in relationships with parents in our society about steering away from traditional beliefs that have been passed down from generations and educating them on using communication and establishing boundaries. On the other hand, the biggest challenge is to learn how to respect and understand those boundaries and having constancy when it comes to communication. This is where understanding how to communicate and set healthy boundaries with your parents during different stages of life will continue to strengthen a parent's relationship.

How to Get Back on a Daily Routine

After a long weekend, holidays, or vacations, we may find ourselves having difficulty getting back to a daily routine that we enjoyed. There will be times in the week where you will not be following your daily routine because you need a break for a bit. Also, it’s okay to get bored from what we have always done, but it’s important to have a routine that you follow that involves all the things that you enjoy and need to get done for that day.

Guilt-Free Gifting

The holiday season has arrived… Also giving us an opportunity to spend extra energy (and resources) materializing the special bonds we have, whether it be through quality time together, phone calls, letters or exchanging gifts. This magnificent blending of spending quality time and spending on quality gifts, has added a stressful dimension to the holiday season...

How to Stop Going Through Life Checking Off Boxes

As we get older and life throws more challenges at us, we realize how many things we need to do to live a comfortable life. Because of how busy life gets, it’s easy for many people to feel as though they never get a break. When this mindset kicks in, we start to go through life checking off boxes.

6 Tips For Healthy Romantic Relationships

“All you need is love, love is all you need” sang the Beatles. Humans are wired for connection and there are benefits from those connections. Healthy romantic relationships are important it has been shown to increase happiness and reduce stress. All relationships are different; however, there are basic tips to follow in order to have a healthy relationship with your partner.

How to be a Morning Person

One of the hardest but most rewarding things that many people share is working towards waking up early. We find it easier to wake up early for reasons like needing to go to the airport, an early departure for a school trip, or a spontaneous morning adventure with friends to watch the sunrise. It starts to get challenging when it’s constantly making the habit to get out of your bed on days where it’s warm and cozy. On the other hand, there are so many benefits that one can gain from waking up early before starting your day. Getting those few minutes or an hour to yourself in the morning gives you the opportunity to settle into what you have planned for your day. Whether that’s being alone with your thoughts while drinking your morning coffee or listening to some of your favorite songs while getting ready for the day, this gives you uninterrupted time for yourself.

Anxiety In College

Anxiety affects millions of people. People can experience anxiety for a multitude of reasons ranging from everyday activities to soldiers experiencing post-traumatic stress syndrome. If anxiety affects so many people, why are people just now starting to talk about it? Until recently, mental illnesses were not talked about and have been consistently looked over or ignored.

Is My Anxiety Normal?

As humans, our minds’ and bodies work together to create tremendous experiences. We aren’t the only animals in this kingdom that these feelings are unique to, but humans surely experience the broadest range of intense, personal, and moving emotions. This comes with a series of high-highs, low-lows, and everything in between. The tricky part? No one really teaches you how to feel… you just do.