Confidence: The Key To Coming Back From The Last Two Years

Confidence: The Key To Coming Back From The Last Two Years

The last two years have been no laughing matter for women of color across the world. The coronavirus pandemic decimated the job market and has caused a huge rift in the way we live. But, we are starting to see sparkling glimmers of hope, and, for many of us, it’s time to go back into the world. It’s a big step, but the following tips can help you boost your self-confidence so that you’re ready for whatever may come.

Ease into it.

Wamala Wellness has discussed getting back into a daily routine after a long weekend before. But, much of the same advice applies to easing back into life in general. When you’re ready, one of your first priorities is to schedule time for yourself. Although it may feel like you’ve been socially isolated for the last two years, when you start being around people again, you may find that it’s overwhelming. Remember, you are on no one’s schedule but your own, and it is up to you to engage or disengage as much as you like.

Evaluate your career.

Nowhere is the effect of the coronavirus more evident than on the job market. If you’re still struggling to get your income back to where it was, now might be a great time to open up your own business. Not only are women of color eligible for many grants, but entrepreneurship can also give you the personal freedom to do and be everything you want. Start by drafting an idea, which should then segue into writing a business plan. Your business plan can help you make financial projections and refine how your business is operated and expanded.

Cook more often.

It’s easy to get stuck relying on the drive-through after a long day, which may include everything from church to after-school sporting events. But, instead of intaking empty calories and extra fat, plan to cook more often. This doesn’t mean you have to stand in the kitchen for an hour each evening, and there are many healthy make-ahead dishes that will help you streamline your afternoons.

Decide which changes stay.

Although most of us will continue to have a negative perception of the pandemic, it pays to remember which new habits actually did us good. The Duvall Dental Center acknowledges several of these, but one in particular, slowing down to catch up with the people we love, might be a change worth keeping.

Learn how to relax.

Relaxation doesn’t come easy to most women. After all, we have jobs and families to take care of. But, if you want to truly boost your confidence, you have to learn how to calm yourself down. You can do this by meditating, listening to music, taking weekend trips, or exercising.

Nurture friendships.

Our most casual friendships may have suffered throughout the worst of the pandemic. But, those people that have stuck by us throughout the crisis are now our inner circles. Nurture these friendships as there is an undeniable link between the people that lift you up and your overall self-esteem. Set a coffee date, go shopping, or enjoy a night out at least once each month.

Confidence gives us the power to reclaim everything we’ve lost. But, it isn’t always easy to be confident after living through such a major global event. The above tips are a good start, but, ultimately, you are the only one that knows what will help you be the best version of yourself so that you can break back out into the world with a forward gaze.

Wamala Wellness isn’t taking on new clients at the moment, but the blog has many resources that can help put you on the right track.

Image via Pexels

Author Jennifer Scott

Note: Wamala Wellness LLC is not responsible for the content, claims, or representations of the listed sites.

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