How to Get Back on a Daily Routine

How to Get Back on a Daily Routine

After a long weekend, holidays, or vacations, we may find ourselves having difficulty getting back to a daily routine that we enjoyed. There will be times in the week where you will not be following your daily routine because you need a break for a bit. Also, it’s okay to get bored from what we have always done, but it’s important to have a routine that you follow that involves all the things that you enjoy and need to get done for that day. For example, as a student, I find myself struggling with getting back to a daily routine after a long weekend off from class. I find myself getting stuck in vacation mode, but I have to reflect on why it’s difficult to hope back in. As we are getting close to a new year, it’s great to create these habits now to have them under our belts as we enter 2022. When you start your day, it’s important to remember getting back to a routine may take time. You will not be successful all the time, but making small progress along with celebrating your successes will help you get back on track. Here are three tips to consider when you want to get back on your daily routine!

Schedule in Rest Days

It’s a great thing to have a daily routine as it provides structure to your life along with making sure you get all your responsibilities done. However, it’s okay to schedule in rest days where it’s dedicated to family and friend outings or adventures. In addition to spending time with your loved ones, these are also great days to set time aside to do any house chores or review your current goals to see what you have accomplished along with what you want to accomplish soon. Put on your favorite cozy outfit, grab your favorite beverage, and enjoy your rest day, however that looks like for you. 

Add things back in Slowly 

It can be very common to want to go straight back into your daily routine after a long break, and sometimes it’s possible to do some for a week. On the other hand, if you start adding too many things at a time while you're trying to establish your daily routine, you can find yourself unsuccessful. For example, if you normally go to the gym in your daily routine, but you haven’t been going for a while, start with 2 days going to the gym then progress to where you want to be. Increasing the days you go each week along with how long you go can promote more success than starting off by making an unattainable goal for yourself. 

It’s Okay to Start Over 

There will be times where you don’t wake up at the time or it’s harder to get out of bed. That’s okay, but don’t let it ruin the rest of your day if you want to continue with your daily routine. Start your daily routine where you see best fit, and finish strong! 

Being able to create those habits will help you get through days where you don’t want to do chores, finish your work, or other responsibilities that you have to get done on a daily basis. Learn what your triggers are that get you out of your routine, and remember to reward yourself along the way as you get back to what your daily routine looks like for you. Best of luck and don’t forget to sprinkle in pockets of fun throughout your day! 

By: Darlyn Magaña

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